extra features
1. Create a QR code to print out
- Scan the QR code for the image upload (in the settings) with your smartphone
- After you get to our WebApp, copy the URL above
For example:
http://a.coffeecolorato.com/?#/en/select_ws?cartridge_type=1&id=...... - Now Google for "QR Code Generator" and select any one you like
- Now paste the URL of the web app that you copied earlier and your personal QR code will be created for you.
You can now print out this QR code and e.g. stick it in your menu card, attach it to the tables or position it as a standee next to the printer. This allows your guests to send pictures to the printer from anywhere.

2. Menu card integration
So that your guests can send their own pictures to the printer from the table, it makes sense to place the QR code on the tables or in your menu card (see previous section)
Now your guests can scan the QR code with their own smartphones and upload their pictures.
However, so that you know which photo was sent by which guest, you can activate the "image upload number" (see below). This means that every picture that is uploaded gets its own number, which your guest also gets.
Example: A guest scans the QR code, uploads their picture and sees that it has the number 76. He then orders you, for example, "a selfieccino with the number 76".
You now prepare the drink, select the picture with the number 76 on the start screen of the printer and bring the guest his finished selfieccino.
Activate image upload number:
In the settings, select the item "Display" or "Display Settings".
Then click on "Show number" or "Pictures number".
1. How does the height sensor work
Please note that a height sensor is installed in the printer, in which 2 contacts form a kind of light barrier. If something breaks through this barrier (e.g. a cup), then the lifting arm stops and the drink is printed. In this way, the printer can always determine the highest point on the edge of the cup of the drink. However, if you want to print a drink in a glass, keep in mind that the light from the photocell simply breaks through the glass (since it is transparent) and therefore does not stop the platform in time. The glass can thus be knocked over by the pressure unit.
Here is a visual representation of it2. Set glass height manually
If you can't/don't want to fill your glasses to the top edge of the glass every time, you still have the option. deactivate the height sensor and manually save the glass height of your glasses on the printer.
To do this, proceed as follows:
- Take one of your glasses (example glass A) and fill it once with a non-transparent liquid (e.g. milk) up to the top edge of the glass and place the full glass on the printer's lifting arm
- Now select any picture from the home screen so you can choose the cup size (S,M or L).
- Now press and hold one of the cup sizes (S, M or L) for a few seconds. A new window should open:
Here you now have the option of saving the diameter in the left column and the height of your lenses in the right column. - To have the printer scan the glass height first, click on the "AUTO" arrow next to one of the cup sizes. The drink then ramps up, the printer measures the highest point and shuts down again.
For example, you can use cup size S for example glass A, cup size M for example glass B and cup size L for example glass C. - Finally, all you have to do is switch the switch at the top. The laser will then be deactivated and the printer will use the settings you saved instead
If you want the height sensor to be re-enabled so the printer automatically scans cups again, just flip the switch again.
In the settings, click on the "Display" or "Display Settings" button and then select "Brightness". You can now use the slider to adjust the brightness of the tablet screen.
Click on "Software Update" in the settings to download the latest update. Now click on the button at the bottom right until the update starts.